We need a thriving Minneapolis: Secure, sustainable, and equitable.
Our policy platform is not just a vision, but a concrete plan of action that we will implement to create positive change in our community.
As a long-time resident of Minneapolis, I know firsthand the challenges facing our community. That's why I am running for Minneapolis City Council - to fight for policies that truly make a difference in the lives of our families. As someone who has rented in Minneapolis for 21 years, I understand the importance of affordable housing, and as someone with a background in environmental and energy justice, I know that we need to prioritize sustainability in our policies.
Working in partnership with the community, we can shape policy discussions and deliver real results for families across the city. To truly build a resilient, healthy, and fair Minneapolis, we must prioritize democracy, community engagement, and advocacy. That means making government accessible and transparent to all residents, and ensuring that our policies reflect the needs and priorities of our communities.
I am committed to working with all residents to create policies that address the critical issues facing our city, from housing affordability to education equity to energy and the environment. Together, we can build a stronger, more equitable Minneapolis for everyone. My policy platform is rooted in our shared values of justice, equity, and community, and I promise to fight for the needs and priorities of all residents, bridging gaps between communities and supporting small businesses and food justice initiatives. Let's work together to create a better future for Minneapolis.
– Marcus Mills
Building a better city is possible.
Our Policy Platform
As a city council member, I will prioritize policies that promote affordable housing in Minneapolis. We need to make sure that everyone has access to safe and stable housing. This means supporting the development of affordable housing units and advocating for policies that protect tenants' rights. We also need to work with local organizations and businesses to create sustainable, long-term solutions to our housing crisis.
Marcus will fight for resources to create truly affordable housing by:
Protecting Tenant’s Rights
A Thoughtful Exploration of Rent Controls & the relationship between AirBnB and Housing Shortages that drive up rents
More Deeply Inclusionary Zoning & Mini-Unit Development
Education is the key to unlocking opportunities and achieving success. However, not everyone in our city has equal access to quality education. As a council member, I will work to bridge the achievement gap and provide equal opportunities for all students. This includes supporting programs that provide resources and support to students and teachers, as well as advocating for policies that promote equitable funding for schools in underserved communities.
Minneapolis students, teachers, and families deserve a system that is responsive to their needs and provides the type of support that enables everyone to be successful. I will fight for:
Solar on Every Minneapolis School
Developing a Student Advocacy Corp to cement student voices in educational governance
A Potential Charter Amendment Requiring 1 Teacher for every 20 students per classroom
Minneapolis has a responsibility to lead the way in creating a sustainable future for ourselves and generations to come. As a city council member, I will prioritize policies that promote renewable energy and reduce our carbon footprint. This includes supporting programs that promote energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, as well as advocating for policies that reduce waste and protect our natural resources.
With bold leadership and vision, Minneapolis has the potential to be a worldwide beacon for energy and environmental justice. I will advocate for:
A Just Transition Fund
Inclusive Energy Financing
3% of Income Cap on Utility Energy Burden
Solar on Every Minneapolis School
The safety and well-being of our community are of utmost importance. As a council member, I will prioritize policies that promote community safety and protect our residents from harm. This includes advocating for and increasing community-based safety measures and investing in programs that prevent crime, reduce community exposure to harm and address the root causes of violence (many of which already have introductions and pilots, but need vast increases like our Behavioral Crisis Response Teams and Violence Intervenors, and promoting new solutions like Harm Reduction Centers).
Every neighborhood's safety and health requires public health resources, trauma support, youth development, and community-led anti-violence efforts. Marcus will partner with communities to transform Minneapolis’s approach to community safety by:
Increase Funding for our Behavioral Crisis Response Teams and Violence Intervenors
Aforementioned Housing to end houselessness crisis in MPLS
Create Harm Reduction Centers throughout the city to reduce harmful exposures, and safeguard against fentanyl and overdose, while providing a pathway out of substance addiction
Negotiating Consent Decrees with Federal DOJ and MN Dept of Human Rights
Developing Leverage in Police Contract Negotiations
Ethnic Community Exposure Trainings and Talks for Cadets and Watch Commanders
Our city does not operate in isolation. We need to work with our state and federal partners to achieve our goals and improve our community. As a city council member, I will advocate for policies that promote collaboration and communication between our city and other levels of government. One of my key responsibilities is to build and maintain positive relationships with other levels of government, including state and federal agencies. This is known as intergovernmental relations, and it plays a critical role in ensuring that our city's needs are represented and addressed at all levels of government.
Marcus plans to ensure that Minneapolis has a seat at the table when decisions are made that impact our city by:
Negotiating a Zero Waste Plans and Closure of the HERC Incinerator
Working with State and Federal sources for Green Energy and Environmental Infrastructure Upgrades and Food Justice Initiatives
Expanding IG Staff to include Liaisons to MN Dept. Commerce and AG’s Office
Small businesses are the backbone of our economy. As a council member, I will prioritize policies that support small businesses and promote entrepreneurship in our community. This includes advocating for policies that provide resources and support to small business owners, as well as promoting local economic development.
As a small business owner himself, Marcus will help build Minneapolis’s economic recovery to center local small businesses, their workforce, and the communities they serve. I commit to:
Equity-Driving Technical and Economic Support of BIPOC-Owned Small Businesses
Increase Green Cost Share Program with Just Transition Fund Dollars
Supercharge Co-op Business and Union Shop Promotion and Technical Assistance Programs
Access to healthy and nutritious food is a basic human right. As a council member, I will prioritize policies that promote food justice and create opportunities for residents to access fresh, locally-grown produce. This includes supporting community gardens and urban agriculture, as well as advocating for policies that promote healthy eating habits and food security. I will advocate in office to:
Hydroponic, Aeroponic, and Aquaponic growing/farming education, promotion, and technical assistance programs at schools, public facilities, and abandoned sites
Technical and Economic Support (including free and negotiated use of public [municipal, state, and federal] lands and buildings) for Sustainable Urban Farming Initiatives and Co-ops
Work with MN DNR to drastically increase (preferably local) Edible Fruiting Plants and Trees strategically planted as Blooming Boulevards and Shade Trees in expanding Green Spaces, especially in Food Deserts (or Food Desert-like conditions) in/near Low-Income Neighborhoods and Communities of Color
Our city's budget is a reflection of our priorities and values. As a council member, I will work to ensure we empower community members to directly decide how to spend part of a public budget. Allowing residents to propose and vote on projects that address community needs and improve quality of life, such as park improvements, road repairs, or after-school programs is a democratic right. Participatory budgeting is designed to increase transparency, accountability, and civic engagement in local government. It also aims to build trust between residents and government officials by giving community members a direct say in how their tax dollars are spent. This includes advocating for investments in affordable housing, education, public transportation, and other critical services that benefit our residents. I will also work to ensure that our budget is transparent and accountable to the people of Minneapolis.
By engaging in a democratic process, community members can ensure that their voices are heard and that their needs are addressed through the allocation of public funds. I will fight for:
Transparency and Community Inclusion, Outreach and Education about the Year-Round Cycle of Budget Planning and Negotiations
Promotion and Systemic Involvement of Community Members and Leaders in the Budgeting Process
Mandatory Requirement of All Council Offices and City Departments to Host Community Inclusion/Outreach Sessions to Discuss and get Community Feedback on Budget Priorities, Issues, and Concerns
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